
Image: Dystrophic Corticospinal Rat Neurons Following Spinal Cord Injury – Blue- Nathaniel Peters

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Natalie Heitkamp

Undergraduate Researcher
Asbury Lab

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Mitra Heshmati, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, joint with Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

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Bertil Hille, PhD

Professor Emeritus

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Tim Hinterberger, PhD

Affiliate Professor, WWAMI, University of Alaska

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Arthur Hong

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Rieke Lab

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Ye (Mary) Hong

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Basso Lab

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Greg Horwitz, PhD


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Bailong Hu, MD

Visiting Associated Professor, The Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, China

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Lawrence Hu

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Walker Lab

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Jesse Huang

Graduate Student (BPSD)
Gordon Lab

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Jessica Huang

Graduate Student (BPSD)
Vivas Lab

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Mark Hudson

Research Scientist
Dembrow, Spain Lab

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Martina Hunt

Graduate Student (M3D)
Moreno Lab

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Jessica Huszar, PhD

Program Operations Specialist

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Jeffrey Iliff, PhD

Adjunct Professor, VASEA

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Juan Ispizua, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Tuthill Lab

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Inbal Israely, PhD

Assistant Professor

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Jill Bodily Jensen, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

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Urvashi Jha, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Tuthill Lab

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Jessica Jones

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Tuthill Lab

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Solmarie Joyner

Research Scientist
Moreno Lab

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Megan Jutras

Research Scientist
Buffalo Lab

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Michael Jutras, PhD

Research Scientist
Buffalo Lab

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Brian Kalmbach, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Allen Institute

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Rohit Kamath

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Pasupathy Lab

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Laura Kanjo

Undergraduate Researcher
Binder Lab

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Lew Kaplan, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Reh Lab

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Samrjit Kaushik

Undergraduate Researcher
Manookin, Rieke Lab

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Nick Keesey

Research Analyst 2

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Kevan Kidder

Research Scientist/Engineer
Basso Lab

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Min Jeong Kim, PhD

Research Scientist
Froehner Lab

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Taekjun Kim, PhD

Acting Assistant Professor

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Timothy Kim, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
Allen Institute, CNC Lab

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Yeon Jin Kim, PhD

Acting Assistant Professor

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Sharm Knecht

Research Scientist/Engineer
Wong Lab

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James Koehler, PhD

Professor Emeritus

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Donna J. Koerker, PhD

Professor Emeritus

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Duk-Su Koh, PhD

Research Professor

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Gnapika Kothakota

Undergraduate Researcher
Moreno Lab

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Rhea Kulkarni

Undergraduate Researcher
Asbury Lab

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Po-Chen Kuo

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Walker Lab

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Alexander Ladd

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Steinmetz Lab

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Fereshteh Lagzi, PhD

Acting Instructor

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Sofia Landi, PhD

Acting Instructor

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Joshua Larson, PhD

Research Scientist
Asbury Lab

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Elena Latorre-Esteves

Research Tech
Barria Lab

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Bryce Etienne Lecamp

Research Scientist/Engineer
Dhaka Lab

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Lydia Lee

Undergraduate Researcher
Reh Lab

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Yeram Lee

Graduate Student
Basso Lab

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Bonni Leeds

Graduate Student (Molecular Engineering)
Asbury Lab

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Jacob Lemmon

Financial Analyst

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Mary Lerwick

Research Scientist
Buffalo Lab

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Anna Li

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Steinmetz Lab

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Li Li, MD, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Seattle Children's Center for Integrative Brain Research

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Yuhong Li

Research Analyst 2

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Demian Liebermann, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Gordon, Zagotta Lab

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Monica Liu, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Allen Institute, Fairhall Lab

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Qinghang Chris Liu, PhD


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Janintzitzic "Janin" López Niño, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Israely Lab

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Yichen Luo, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Tuthill Lab