
Image: Dystrophic Corticospinal Rat Neurons Following Spinal Cord Injury – Blue- Nathaniel Peters

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Grant Chou

Research Scientist
Tuthill Lab

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Alyssa Chu

Undergraduate Researcher
Bermingham-McDonogh Lab

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Changho Chun, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar (Rehab Medicine)
Mack, Smith Lab

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Jon Cimuchowski

Program Operations Specialist

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John I Clark, PhD


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Jeremiah Cohen, PhD

Affiliate Associate Professor, Allen Institute

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Forrest Collman, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Allen Institute

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Daniel Cook, MD, PhD

Research Professor Emeritus

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Ellen Cravens

Manager of Operations

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Michael Cunningham, MD, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Pediatrics

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Shellee Cunnington

Research Scientist
Rieke Lab

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Cassie Cusick, PhD

Affiliate Professor, WWAMI, Montana State University

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Dennis Dacey, PhD


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Tanya Daigle, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Investigator, Allen Institute

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Niah Dang

Research Analyst 1
Binder Lab

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Maria Elena Danoviz

Research Scientist
Moreno Lab

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Saskia De Vries, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Allen Institute

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Jake Deckert, PhD

Affiliate Instructor, WWAMI, Gonzaga University

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Charlie Defreest

Graduate Student (Chemistry)
Gordon, Zagotta Lab

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Nikolai Dembrow, PhD

Assistant Professor

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Aditya Deole

Graduate Student (Aeronautics & Astronautics)
Steinmetz Lab

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Peter Detwiler, PhD

Professor Emeritus

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Ajay Dhaka, PhD

Associate Professor

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Ilse Dippenaar

Graduate Student
Fairhall Lab

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Sven Dorkenwald, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Allen Institute, Fairhall Lab

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Laura Driscoll, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Allen Institute

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Fabiola Duarte Ortiz, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Steinmetz Lab

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Alison Duffy, PhD

Acting Instructor

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Celeste Jean-Marie Dylla

Research Scientist/Engineer
Bair Lab

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Sierra Edgerton

Pro Staff Temp
Reh Lab

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Leila Elabbady

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Tuthill Lab

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Kiara Eldred, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Reh Lab

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Kali Esancy, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Dhaka Lab

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Adrienne Fairhall, PhD


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Andrew Farr, PhD

Professor Emeritus

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Eberhard E. Fetz, PhD

Professor Emeritus (Core Staff WNPRC)

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Nahuel Foressi, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Barria Lab

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Stanley C. Froehner, PhD


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Albert F. Fuchs, PhD

Professor Emeritus

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Peter Fuerst, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, WWAMI, University of Idaho

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Robert Furilla, PhD

Affiliate Professor, WWAMI, University of Alaska

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Amber Fyall

Research Scientist/Engineer
Pasupathy Lab

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Zachary Gallaher, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor

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Kenneth Garbutt

Research Scientist
Gordon, Zagotta Lab

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Carlos Antonio Garcia

Laboratory Technician
Basso Lab

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Zulma Garcia

Project Manager

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Shane Gibson

Research Scientist
Horwitz Lab

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Anna Gillespie, PhD

Assistant Professor

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Robb Glenny, MD

Professor, joint with Med/Div. of Pulmonary & Critical Care

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Sam Golden, PhD

Assistant Professor

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Sharona Gordon, PhD


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Abby Green

Pro Staff Temp
Reh Lab

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Katie Green

Graduate Student (NEURO)
Perlmutter Lab

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Benjamin Gregory

Research Scientist
Bryant Lab

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Juliane Gust, MD, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology

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Travis Hage

Research Scientist Engineer
Basso Lab

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Joshua Hahn, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Bermingham-McDonogh, Reh Lab

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Lina Hakim

Procurement Manager

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Gaku Hatanaka, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Bair Lab

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Dylan Hedman

Graduate Student (MCB)
Asbury Lab