Hendrickson Trainee Symposium

Vision Training Grant
Anitha Pasupathy and Wyeth Bair, Directors
The Vision Training Grant (VTG) includes 27 preceptors in six Departments and four Interdepartmental Programs. Our mission is to train the next generation of independent vision scientists to communicate, and access experimental and computational techniques, broadly across vision sub-fields, and to appreciate the links between fundamental and clinical research with the aim of developing treatments for diseases of the visual system. We accomplish this by focusing on three training components: i) provide broad training in vision research ranging from individual proteins and molecules to Systems Neuroscience, ii) provide training in communication of scientific principles to a broad audience, and iii) provide support and training in grant-writing as a pathway to independence.
Computational Neuroscience Training Grant
Beth Buffalo, Adrienne Fairhall and Eric Shea-Brown, Directors
William and Lucille Clark Fund
The William and Lucille Clark Fund supports NBIO trainee opportunities for development, implementation, and collaboration on innovative scientific research. Award recipients have used funds to support travel to workshops at NIH on Computational Neuroscience; Summer courses at the Friday Harbor Laboratories; the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass; Cold Springs Harbor Laboratories in Cold Springs Harbor, NY; Gordon Conferences; and travel to other institutions for scientific collaborations.
NBIO trainees should contact their PI to learn more about the travel award and application requirements.