
Image: Dystrophic Corticospinal Rat Neurons Following Spinal Cord Injury – Blue- Nathaniel Peters

Edgar Walker, PhD

Weill Neurohub Assistant Professor
HSB G211

Dr. Walker completed his PhD at Baylor College of Medicine in Neuroscience, and he undertook a postdoctoral fellow position in the laboratory of Dr. Fabian Sinz at the University of Tubingen. Edgar’s research is focused on computational neuroscience and machine learning, and he is both an insightful neuroscientist and an entrepreneurial data scientist. His work uses novel computational tools to address the relationships between brain structure, function, and algorithm at the single neuron and circuit level. While carrying out this groundbreaking science, Dr. Walker also recognized and solved a fundamental problem for lab science: the need for systematic data science tools to allow labs to organize, store, search, and build analysis pipelines for their data in a rigorous and reproducible way. That was the motivation behind DataJoint, a company he founded to develop and distribute such a toolbox.