Anitha Pasupathy, PhD
ProfessorNeural basis of visual processing
Our lab investigates the neural basis of visual shape representation and recognition. Our focus is area V4, an intermediate stage in the shape processing pathway in primates.
We use a combination of single-cell neurophysiology experiments, behavioral manipulations and computational modeling to address questions about how visual stimuli are represented in the brain, how these representations arise and how they ultimately underlie behavior.
Selected Publications:
Bigelow, A., Kim T., Namima, T., Bair W, Pasupathy A. (2023). Dissociation in neuronal encoding of object versus surface motion in the primate brain. Current Biology, 33(4), 711-719.
Kim T, Bair W, Pasupathy A (2022). Perceptual Texture Dimensions Modulate Neuronal Response Dynamics in Visual Cortical Area V4. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(4), 631-642.
Namima T, Pasupathy A (2021). Encoding of Partially Occluded and Occluding Objects in Primate Inferior Temporal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 41: 5652-5666. 2021.
Zamarashkina, P, Popovkina DV, Pasupathy A (2020). Timing of response onset and offset in macaque V4: stimulus and task dependence. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123: 2311-25.
Kim T, Bair W, Pasupathy A (2019). Neural coding for shape and texture in macaque area V4. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(24):4760-74.
Pasupathy A, Popovkina DA, Kim T (2019). Visual functions of primate area v4. Annual Review of Vision Science, 6: 363-385.
Oleskiw TD, Nowack A, Pasupathy A (2018). Joint coding of shape and blur in area V4. Nature Communications, 31;9(1); 466.
Yau JM, Pasupathy A, Brincat SL, Connor CE (2013). Curvature processing dynamics in macaque area V4. Cerebral Cortex, 23(1); 198-209.
Bushnell BN, Pasupathy A (2012). Shape encoding consistency across colors in primate V4. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108(5); 1299-308.
Bushnell BN, Harding, PJ, Kosai Y, Bair W, Pasupathy A (2011). Equiluminance cells in visual cortical area V4. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(11); 4012-24.
Pasupathy A, Miller EK (2005). Different time courses of learning-related activity in the prefrontal cortex and striatum. Nature, 2005 433 (7028): 873-876.
Pasupathy A, Connor CE (2002). Population coding of shape in area V4. Nature Neuroscience, 5 (12): 1332-1338