Graduate Education

Image: Dystrophic Corticospinal Rat Neurons Following Spinal Cord Injury – Blue- Nathaniel Peters

The Department of Neurobiology & Biophysics recruits students through interdisciplinary programs at the University of Washington. Prospective students with an interest in Neurobiology & Biophysics are encouraged to apply to one of the several interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs, in which our faculty are active participants. Our faculty welcome rotations from first year students and several students from these programs join NBIO labs each year to pursue their graduate research.

Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Molecular & Cellular Biology Graduate Program
Medical Scientist Training Program
Department of Bioengineering
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry

Undergraduate Education

The department supports undergraduate teaching not only through our faculty’s participation in teaching in the Undergraduate Program for Neuroscience, but also via courses such as PBIO 375 and PBIO 376, which are taught in Autumn and Winter quarters. For more information, you may visit the course catalog and/or contact the course director, Dr. Bess Melby