Emeritus professors Merrill and Bertil Hille are featured in UW wellness news

It is with great pleasure that we share the following interview with emeritus professors Merrill and Bertil Hille which was recently posted by Whole U, the university’s program for health and wellness. A short excerpt is included below.

Distinguished emeritus professors Merrill and Bertil Hille are partners in wellness and paragons of active — even adventurous — aging

Like many retired couples of a certain age, Bertil and Merrill Hille log their engagements in an old-fashioned paper calendar. Theirs would look pretty unremarkable, actually, if not for the sprawling range of scribbled triangles that blankets much of its orderly grid like crowded peaks on a topographic map. 

“Each of these triangles is a mountain hike,” explains Bertil, an emeritus professor in the UW Department of Neurobiology [sic] and Biophysics.